Installing Nagios Monitoring on Ubuntu 22.04

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Requirements for Installing Nagios on Ubuntu 22.04

Before diving into the installation process, make sure your server meets the basic requirements. Here are the prerequisites for installing Nagios on Ubuntu 22.04:

  • A server running Ubuntu 22.04: Preferably a fresh installation to avoid conflicts with other services.

  • Root or Sudo Privileges: You will need administrative rights to perform installations and configurations.

  • Stable Internet Connection: Required to download necessary packages and dependencies.

Additionally, ensure your server has enough memory and CPU resources to handle the monitoring load. Nagios Core itself doesn’t consume much, but the plugins and notifications may add a bit of overhead.

Step 1: Update and Upgrade Your System

It is always a good practice to start with updating your system. Open your terminal and run the following commands to update the system packages:

This command ensures that all your existing packages are up to date and prevents potential issues during the installation process.

Step 2: Install the Necessary Dependencies

Nagios requires several dependencies to function properly, including Apache, PHP, and a few others. Run the following command to install these packages:

  • Apache: This will serve as the web server to access Nagios Core.

  • PHP: Required for generating dynamic content on the Nagios web interface.

  • Build Essential: Necessary to compile Nagios and the plugins.

  • GD: Used for graphing data in Nagios.

Step 3: Create a Nagios User and Group

To keep your Nagios installation secure, it is advisable to create a specific user and group for Nagios:

This command will create a user named 'nagios' and add it to the group 'www-data', which will allow Apache to communicate properly with Nagios.

Step 4: Download and Install Nagios Core

Navigate to your /tmp directory and download the Nagios Core package. Use the wget command to get the latest version:

Once downloaded, extract the files:

Compile and install Nagios using the following commands:

These commands will install Nagios Core along with its basic configuration files and web interface setup.

Step 5: Install Nagios Plugins

Nagios requires plugins to monitor various services like CPU, RAM, disk usage, etc. Download and install Nagios plugins as follows:

Step 6: Configure Nagios Contacts

Edit the contacts file to set up email alerts. The default Nagios contact configuration file is located at /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/contacts.cfg. Open it using your preferred text editor:

Modify the email directive to your email address so that you receive alerts:

Save and close the file.

Step 7: Configure the Apache Web Server

Enable the Apache configuration for Nagios using the following commands:

Then, restart Apache to apply the changes:

Step 8: Create a Nagios Admin User

To access the Nagios web interface, you need an admin user. Create a Nagios admin user by running the following command:

You will be prompted to create a password. Make sure to use a secure one, as this user will have administrative access.

Step 9: Start and Enable Nagios Service

Finally, start Nagios and enable it to automatically start upon server boot:

Step 10: Access the Nagios Web Interface

Once Nagios is up and running, you can access the Nagios web interface by visiting the following URL in your browser:

Log in using the username nagiosadmin and the password you created earlier. Once logged in, you should see the Nagios dashboard, which will provide an overview of your monitored hosts and services.

Configuring Nagios to Monitor Hosts and Services

Nagios is highly configurable, and you can set it to monitor almost anything, including:

  • Network Services: HTTP, FTP, SSH, DNS, etc.

  • Host Resources: CPU load, memory usage, disk space, etc.

  • Environmental Metrics: Temperature sensors, humidity, etc.

Adding a New Host to Nagios

To add a new host, you will need to create a configuration file for it. Navigate to the Nagios configuration directory:

Create a new configuration file for your host, for example, server1.cfg:

Add the following content, replacing placeholders with appropriate values:

Save and close the file. Then, open the Nagios configuration file (/usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg) and add the new configuration file:

Restart Nagios to apply the new configuration:

Common Issues and Troubleshooting During Installation

1. Apache Not Starting

If Apache fails to start after enabling Nagios, check the configuration file syntax:

This command will help you identify any syntax issues in your Apache configuration that might prevent it from starting.

2. Nagios Service Fails to Start

If the Nagios service doesn’t start, verify the Nagios configuration file:

The output will indicate if there are any errors in your configuration that need fixing.

3. Permission Issues

Nagios often runs into permission issues when not properly configured. Ensure that the user nagios has the correct permissions to execute plugins and access files. Running the following commands can help fix common permission issues:

FAQs about Nagios Monitoring on Ubuntu 22.04

Q: What is Nagios used for?

A: Nagios is an open-source monitoring tool used to monitor systems, networks, and infrastructure. It helps identify and resolve issues before they become significant problems.

Q: Why do I need Apache for Nagios?

A: Nagios uses Apache as its web server to present the monitoring dashboard through a web interface, allowing easy access and visualization of the monitored services and hosts.

Q: How do I add more services to monitor?

A: You can add more services by creating additional configuration files in /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/ and specifying the services you wish to monitor. Then, include the configuration file in nagios.cfg and restart Nagios.

Q: Can Nagios monitor Windows systems?

A: Yes, Nagios can monitor Windows systems using an agent called NSClient++. Once installed on the Windows server, it allows Nagios to monitor CPU, disk, memory, and other metrics.

Q: What is NRPE, and how do I use it with Nagios?

A: NRPE (Nagios Remote Plugin Executor) is a protocol that allows Nagios to execute plugins on remote Linux/Unix machines. It is useful when you need to gather metrics from hosts other than the Nagios server itself.

Q: How can I secure my Nagios installation?

A: To secure Nagios, you can enable HTTPS for the web interface, configure a firewall to limit access to the Nagios server, and use strong passwords for the admin user.

Q: Is Nagios suitable for large infrastructures?

A: Nagios can be used for large infrastructures, but it requires proper configuration and optimization. Distributed monitoring and load balancing are recommended for larger deployments to ensure efficiency.

Q: How do I receive alerts from Nagios?

A: Nagios sends alerts via email based on the contact configuration in contacts.cfg. You can configure it to send SMS or integrate it with other notification tools like Slack or Telegram.


Installing Nagios on Ubuntu 22.04 provides a powerful way to monitor your infrastructure, helping you ensure your systems remain up and running with minimal downtime. By following this step-by-step guide, you should be able to successfully set up Nagios, add hosts and services, and receive timely alerts about your system’s performance. Regularly maintaining and updating Nagios will ensure your monitoring setup stays relevant and effective.

Read also: Online Server Monitoring Using Nagios

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