New to the web platform in December

Trending 7 months ago

Discover immoderate of nan absorbing features that person landed successful unchangeable and beta web browsers during December 2023.

Rachel Andrew

Stable browser releases

In December 2023 Firefox 121, Chrome 120, and Safari 17.2 became stable. This station looks astatine what that intends for nan web platform.

Relaxed parsing for CSS Nesting

Chrome 120 and Safari 17.2 include relaxed parsing for CSS Nesting. As this has been supported successful Firefox from type 117, this intends that each awesome engines support this syntax change.

Exclusive accordions pinch nan <details> element

Chrome 120 and Safari 17.2 see support for nan sanction property for the <details> element. This intends that you tin create exclusive accordion components by grouping a number of <details> elements.

Learn much successful exclusive accordion.

Browser Support

  • 120
  • 120
  • x
  • 17.2

The :has() selector

Firefox 121 includes nan CSS :has() selector. This merchandise makes :has() interoperable crossed each awesome engines.

Find retired much successful :has(): nan family selector.

Browser Support

  • 105
  • 105
  • 121
  • 15.4


The CSS Custom Highlight API

Safari 17.2 includes the CSS Custom Highlight API which lets you create and style matter ranges, extending nan modular item pseudo-classes specified arsenic ::selection.

Browser Support

  • 105
  • 105
  • 17.2


The CloseWatcher API

Chrome 120 includes nan CloseWatcher API, a caller API for listening for and responding to adjacent requests. These requests are triggered by nan ESC cardinal connected desktop and nan backmost motion aliases fastener connected Android, and tin beryllium tricky to instrumentality well.

In summation to nan API, Chrome 120 upgrades <dialog> and nan popover property to respond to nan Android backmost button.

Browser Support

  • 120
  • 120
  • x
  • x

CSS text-wrap: equilibrium and stable

Firefox 121 includes nan equilibrium and unchangeable values for text-wrap. The equilibrium worth is useful for short blocks of contented specified arsenic headings, creating much pleasing and easy to publication text. The unchangeable worth prevents editable contented from relowing while being edited.

Learn much astir text-wrap: balance.

text-wrap: balance

Browser Support

  • 114
  • 114
  • 121


text-wrap: stable

Browser Support

  • x
  • x
  • 121


Lazy-loading of <iframe> elements

Firefox 121 supports nan loading property connected <iframe> elements. This intends that lazy-loading of iframes is now supported successful each awesome engines.

Browser Support

  • 77
  • 79
  • 121
  • 16.4

Support for nan linear() easing function

Safari 17.2 besides includes support for nan linear() easing function, that tin beryllium utilized to create bounce and outpouring effects.

Browser Support

  • 113
  • 113
  • 112
  • 17.2

Beta browser releases

Beta browser versions springiness you a preview of things that will beryllium successful nan next stable type of nan browser. It's a awesome clip to trial caller features, or removals, that could effect your tract earlier nan world gets that release. New betas are Firefox 122, Chrome 121, and Safari 17.3. These releases bring galore awesome features to nan platform. Check retired nan release notes for each of nan details. Here are conscionable a fewer highlights.

Firefox 122 and Chrome 121 see the showPicker() method for HTMLSelectElement. This shows nan aforesaid picker that would beryllium shown erstwhile nan constituent is selected, but tin beryllium triggered from a fastener property aliases different personification interaction.

Chrome 121 includes nan scrollbar styling properties scrollbar-color and scrollbar-width, along pinch improved CSS masking for SVG, and item pseudo-elements for matter that has been misspelled aliases is grammatically incorrect.

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