New to the web platform in January

Trending 5 months ago

Discover immoderate of nan absorbing features that person landed successful unchangeable and beta web browsers during January 2024.

Rachel Andrew

Stable browser releases

In January 2024 Firefox 122, Chrome 121, and Safari 17.3 became stable. This station looks astatine nan caller features added to nan web platform.

successful " tabindex="-1"><hr> successful <select>

Firefox 122 adds <hr> elements arsenic an allowable kid of <select> elements. This helps pinch readability of prime lists pinch a batch of options. All main browser engines now support this feature. However, it is worthy noting that nary browser presently exposes nan <hr> to the accessibility tree.

Browser Support

  • 119
  • 119
  • 122
  • 17


Also for <select> elements successful Firefox is the showPicker() method for HTMLSelectElement. This is nan aforesaid picker that would usually beryllium displayed when nan constituent is selected, but tin beryllium triggered from a fastener property aliases different personification interaction.

Browser Support

  • 121
  • 121
  • 122


Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) API

Firefox 122 besides supports the LCP API. This capacity API provides timing information astir nan largest image aliases matter overgarment earlier users interact with a web page. Learn much astir LCP successful nan LCP documentation.

Browser Support

  • 77
  • 79
  • 122
  • x


CSS scrollbar properties

Chrome 121 adds support for nan scrollbar properties scrollbar-color and scrollbar-width. Learn much astir this successful nan article Scrollbar styling.

Browser Support

  • 121
  • 121
  • 64
  • x


CSS font-palette animation

The font-palette spot lets you prime a circumstantial palette to render a colour font. This spot now supports animation, so switching betwixt palettes becomes a soft modulation betwixt nan 2 selected palettes.

The transfer() and transferToFixedLength() methods of ArrayBuffer

Firefox includes nan JavaScript transfer() and transferToFixedLength() methods of ArrayBuffer. The transfer() method creates a caller ArrayBuffer pinch nan aforesaid byte contents arsenic nan existent ArrayBuffer, then detaches nan original ArrayBuffer. The transferToFixedLength() method works successful nan aforesaid way, but creates a fixed size ArrayBuffer.

Browser Support

  • 114
  • 114
  • 122


Updates to nan Speculation Rules API

Sites usage the Speculation Rules API, to programmatically show Chrome which pages to prerender, creating a amended personification acquisition by reducing page navigation time.

Chrome 121 includes support for document rules: they are an hold to the speculation rules syntax that lets nan browser get nan database of URLs for speculative loading from elements successful a page. Document rules whitethorn see criteria for which of these links tin beryllium used. This, coupled pinch a new "eagerness" field lets you automatically prefetch or prerender links connected pages immediately, connected hover aliases connected rodent down.

Beta browser releases

Beta browser versions springiness you a preview of things that will beryllium successful nan next stable type of nan browser. It's a awesome clip to trial caller features, or removals, that could effect your tract earlier nan world gets that release. New betas are Firefox 123, Chrome 122, and Safari 17.4. These releases bring galore awesome features to nan platform. Check retired nan release notes for each of nan details. Here are conscionable a fewer highlights.

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Firefox 123 beta includes the Declarative Shadow DOM.

Also successful Firefox 123 is support for nan 103 Early Hints HTTP information response status codification for preloading resources that nan page whitethorn request while nan server prepares nan afloat response.

There's a batch of bully worldly successful nan Safari 17.4 beta. For CSS location is support for @scope, align-content connected artifact containers and array cells, and for nan ::grammar-error and ::spelling-error pseudo-elements, plus much more.

In forms, support for vertical penning mode successful shape controls, the showPicker() method for <input type="date">, and support for <hr> wrong <select> connected iOS.

JavaScript besides gets immoderate caller features pinch support for nan detached(), transfer() and transferToFixedLength() methods of ArrayBuffer among different things.

Chrome 122 beta includes an unsanitized action successful nan read() method of the Async Clipboard API to retrieve unsanitized HTML format. For JavaScript location are caller iterator helpers, and caller methods for nan built-in Set class.

Also successful Chrome 122 is the Storage Buckets API which intends to make persistent retention eviction nether dense representation pressure more predictable.

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