New to the web platform in October

Trending 8 months ago

Discover immoderate of nan absorbing features that person landed successful unchangeable and beta web browsers during October 2023.

Rachel Andrew

Stable browser releases

In October 2023 Firefox 119, Safari 17.1, Chrome 118, and Chrome 119 became stable. This post looks astatine what that intends for nan web platform.

JavaScript features successful Firefox 119

In Firefox 119 is JavaScript array grouping pinch the Object.groupBy and Map.groupBy static methods.

Browser Support

  • 117
  • 117
  • 119


Also successful Firefox 119 are nan isWellFormed() and toWellFormed() methods of String. These can beryllium utilized to cheque whether a drawstring contains well-formed Unicode, and to sanitize a string to well-formed Unicode. These methods are now interoperable crossed the three awesome engines.

Browser Support

  • 111
  • 111
  • 119
  • 16.4


The HTML <search> constituent is now interoperable

Chrome 118 includes nan <search> element, a caller HTML constituent representing the parts of nan archive aliases exertion that are utilized for hunt aliases filtering. This feature is now interoperable crossed nan 3 awesome engines.

Browser Support

  • 118
  • 118
  • 118
  • 17


Horizontal rules wrong prime elements

Two versions of Chrome landed successful October. In Chrome 119 is simply a mini summation to HTML <select> elements. You tin now adhd a horizontal norm betwixt options that displays arsenic a divider betwixt nan items. Find retired much successful Select element: now with horizontal rules.

CSS scoping

Chrome 118 includes scoped CSS pinch nan @scope rule. This norm provides a way to prime elements wrong a subtree of nan DOM. Find retired much successful Limit the reach of your selectors pinch nan CSS @scope at-rule.

Browser Support

  • 118
  • 118
  • x

CSS prefers-reduced-transparency

Chrome 118 includes nan prefers-reduced-transparency media feature. This is one of a group of features that fto you cheque preferences group by a personification successful their device, and respond to meet their needs successful your code. Learn much astir the feature successful CSS prefers-reduced-transparency.

Browser Support

  • 118
  • 118
  • x


CSS comparative colour syntax

In Chrome 119 is simply a powerful caller characteristic from CSS Color 5—relative color syntax. This lets you deduce a colour from different color, utilizing immoderate colour abstraction aliases syntax you need.

WebAssembly garbage postulation (WasmGC)

Chrome 119 includes WasmGC to make moving pinch garbage-collected languages like Kotlin, PHP, aliases Java faster successful WebAssembly. Find each nan specifications successful WebAssembly Garbage Collection (WasmGC) now enabled by default in Chrome.

Beta browser releases

Beta browser versions springiness you a preview of things that will beryllium successful nan next stable type of nan browser. It's a awesome clip to trial caller features, or removals, that could effect your tract earlier nan world gets that release. New betas are Firefox 120 and Safari 17.2. These releases bring galore awesome features to nan platform. Check retired nan release notes for each of nan details. Here are conscionable a fewer highlights.

Safari 17.2 includes galore caller features. For CSS location is support for nan CSS Custom Highlight API, nan mask-border properties, nan counter-set property, and galore different features. In summation location are tons of fixes to existing features to amended interoperability.

For HTML, Safari 17.2 includes support for nan sanction property for the <details> element. And successful Web APIs location is support for Fetch Priority and responsive images ar now enabled successful <link rel=preload>.

Firefox 120 adds support for nan CSS rh and rlh units, text-wrap: balance, and nan light-dark() function.

Part of nan New to nan web series

Source Web Development
Web Development