What is a Static Website?

Trending 8 months ago

If you’re unsure astir what a fixed website is (or really you mightiness build one) you’ve travel to nan correct place. Allow america to beryllium your guideline to nan world of fixed vs move websites.

Picture this: you’re flipping done a photograph album. Every snapshot captures a infinitesimal stiff successful time. It’s unchanging and unmoving. It conscionable exists, arsenic is, successful perpetuity.

That’s akin to nan acquisition a fixed website offers. It’s a no-fuss, what-you-see-is-what-you-get tract that tin beryllium updated, of course, but its contented will mostly enactment nan aforesaid time successful and time out.

Today, we’re going to unpack nan specifications surrounding fixed websites, comparison them to their move counterparts, and moreover talk astir really you tin create fixed websites successful WordPress.

We person a batch to cover, truthful let’s get started.

What is simply a Static Website?

If we were to simplify it, a fixed website is akin to a classical diner wherever nan paper is group successful stone. It reliably dishes retired nan aforesaid HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files to each visitor. There’s nary behind-the-scenes complexity for illustration databases aliases server-side scripting -- conscionable straightforward contented transportation that’s arsenic dependable arsenic it is swift.

What Benefits Do Static Websites Offer?

Static websites connection immoderate inherent benefits, truthful let’s reappraisal them now.

  • Speed and Performance: Static sites are ace accelerated astatine delivering content. They’re streamlined for performance, ensuring a swift personification acquisition without immoderate unnecessary delays.
  • Security: With simplicity comes greater security. Static sites connection less vulnerabilities for imaginable information breaches, making them a much unafraid prime by design.
  • Reliability: Just for illustration a well-oiled machine, fixed websites connection a level of reliability that you tin count on.
  • Ease of Hosting: The simplicity of fixed sites extends to their hosting requirements. They’re low-maintenance and tin beryllium served up from virtually immoderate web server, making them a hassle-free action for website owners.

Each of these advantages contributes to why fixed websites are still a compelling choice, particularly erstwhile your online needs are straightforward.

Static vs. Dynamic Websites

Transitioning from nan world of fixed websites, let’s see their much analyzable siblings: move websites. These sites are nan chameleons of nan web, adept astatine changing their show and contented successful existent time.

Key Differences

As we delve into nan halfway distinctions, it’s important to understand really these differences play retired successful applicable terms.

  • Content: Static websites are pre-built HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files that present nan aforesaid contented each clip a personification visits. Dynamic sites usage server-side scripting to make contented connected nan fly, pulling information from databases aliases different sources.
  • Maintenance: Because fixed sites don’t trust connected databases aliases server-side coding, they’re overmuch simpler to support than move sites.
  • Scalability: Dynamic sites tin accommodate immense amounts of contented and traffic, making them suitable for large-scale websites.
  • Interactivity: Interactivity is simply a hallmark characteristic of move sites that allows for customized personification experiences and real-time updates.

These differences underscore nan move quality of these websites, making them suitable for a assortment of online platforms that require real-time contented updates and personification engagement.

Building a Static Website

When it comes to creating a fixed website, nan process is refreshingly straightforward. You person nan action to return a accepted way by hand-coding pinch HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, aliases you tin leverage modern devices for illustration a fixed tract generator (SSG) aliases headless Content Management System (CMS) to streamline nan process. These devices connection a scope of templates and extensions that tin importantly trim improvement clip and connection much functionality.

Let’s locomotion done nan emblematic steps progressive successful bringing a fixed website to life.

Choose a Building Approach

Your first determination is nan instauration of your website. Will you hand-code each page, aliases usage an SSG aliases headless CMS? Hand-coding gives you complete power and a heavy knowing of your site’s structure, while SSGs and headless CMSs tin supply a faster, much businesslike improvement process pinch pre-built components and templates.

Set Up Your Site

After selecting your devices and approach, you’ll statesman constructing your site. This involves creating nan fixed files that will dress up your website’s pages. If you’re utilizing an SSG, this measurement will impact mounting up nan basal templates and contented files. For those going nan hand-coding route, this intends penning nan HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files from scratch aliases from a basal template.

Deploy Your Site

With your fixed files astatine nan ready, nan adjacent measurement is to people your tract connected nan web. This tin beryllium done done various fixed tract hosting services, offering a scope of options from elemental drag-and-drop deployments to much progressive setups pinch civilization domains and precocious features.

Throughout these steps, nan simplicity of fixed websites shines through. Without nan request for server-side processing, each shape tin beryllium completed pinch minimal method overhead, making fixed websites an accessible introduction constituent for those caller to web development, arsenic good arsenic a speedy and businesslike action for seasoned developers.

Static Site Generators (SSGs)

Think of SSGs arsenic your friends vicinity magicians. They thief you conjure up a tract from nan ether pinch templates and tools, and past poof! -- they move it into a stack of fixed files fresh to deed nan web.

If you’re not judge wherever to start, here’s a speedy lineup of fixed tract generators worthy a look:

1. Astro

Astra fixed tract generatorAstra fixed tract generatorAstra fixed tract generator

Astro is making rather a scatter pinch its modern architecture. It’s designed to present lightning-fast capacity by only shipping nan JavaScript that’s perfectly necessary, making it a heavyweight contender successful nan capacity category.

2. Jekyll

Jekyll is often hailed arsenic nan pioneer of fixed tract generators. It’s a patient favourite for crafting blogs and individual websites, pinch its straightforward markdown-based contented creation process and extended plugin ecosystem.

3. Hugo

Hugo is nan velocity demon of fixed tract generators, boasting incredibly accelerated build times. It’s a go-to for developers looking to streamline their workflow and for sites that request to standard efficiently.

Eleventy (11ty)


Eleventy (11ty) is simply a straightforward option. It prides itself connected being a simpler, zero-config option, and is welcoming to developers who want to activity pinch a broader scope of templating languages.


VuePress is tailored for nan Vue.js developers. It’s a cleanable lucifer for developers looking for a fixed tract generator that seamlessly integrates pinch their existing Vue.js projects and leverages nan ecosystem’s champion practices.


Gatsby is nan trendsetter, merging React and GraphQL to connection a rich, modern web improvement experience. It’s perfect for those looking to create complex, dynamic-feeling sites that still use from nan fixed tract performance.


pelican fixed tract generatorpelican fixed tract generatorpelican fixed tract generator

Pelican is nan world of nan group, appealing to those who person a penchant for Python. It’s a robust instrumentality that caters to developers who for illustration penning their contented successful reStructuredText aliases Markdown.


Nikola is different Python-based SSG pinch a attraction connected capacity and flexibility. It has a vibrant organization and tons of features that make it a coagulated prime for some individual and master websites.


Publii is nan gateway for non-coders into nan world of website creation. With its user-friendly desktop app, Publii allows anyone to create a beautiful, fixed website without penning a azygous statement of code.

Each SSG has its ain specialty, catering to different crowds and accomplishment sets.

WordPress and Static Sites

When you deliberation of WordPress, nan image that typically springs to mind is that of move websites pinch contented that shifts and changes, for illustration blogs that update pinch caller posts aliases eCommerce sites pinch ever-changing inventories. However, WordPress tin beryllium utilized to create fixed websites, too.

WordPress, pinch its extended plugin architecture, allows for a astonishing translator into a fixed tract generator. This intends you tin harness nan user-friendly WordPress backend to negociate your content, and then, pinch nan thief of circumstantial plugins, make a fixed type of your site. This fixed type tin beryllium deployed to immoderate modular hosting environment, reaping each nan capacity and information benefits of fixed sites.

How It Works

  1. Content Management: You create your contented conscionable arsenic you would for immoderate WordPress site, utilizing posts, pages, and media.
  2. Static Conversion: Once your contented is ready, a fixed tract plugin takes a snapshot of your site, converting each nan WordPress PHP codification and move contented into fixed HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.
  3. Deployment: These files tin past beryllium deployed to a hosting service, CDN, aliases moreover a work for illustration GitHub Pages, making your tract accessible to visitors worldwide.

WordPress to Static Site Plugins

Creating a fixed tract pinch WordPress tin beryllium achieved utilizing various plugins designed to person your move WordPress contented into a fixed format. Here are immoderate of nan plugins that tin thief you pinch this process:

Simply Static

simply staticsimply staticsimply static

Simply Static is simply a celebrated plugin that generates a fixed transcript of your WordPress site. It’s known for improving website capacity by eliminating database requests, which reduces nan clip to nan first byte. This plugin is peculiarly useful for websites pinch dense elements for illustration animations aliases sliders, arsenic it streamlines nan contented to beryllium much performance-oriented.


Strattic is an end-to-end fixed hosting and publishing level for WordPress. It converts move WordPress sites into fixed sites and deploys them to a CDN for optimal capacity and security.


Staatic is simply a newer entrant successful nan space, allowing you to create and deploy a streamlined fixed type of your WordPress site. It enhances performance, SEO, and information by transforming your tract into fixed files.

Find Static Site Templates connected Envato Elements

Envato Elements is simply a subscription-based marketplace that provides entree to imaginative assets for a debased monthly fee, including a rich | action of fixed web templates. Whether you’re building a individual blog, a business landing page, aliases a imaginative portfolio, Envato Elements provides nan resources you request to jumpstart your website project.

Deoxa - Landing Page Template

deoxa fixed tract templatedeoxa fixed tract templatedeoxa fixed tract template

Deoxa is simply a Bootstrap 4 landing page template that caters to a assortment of business needs pinch complete six location page designs. It’s responsive, customizable pinch SCSS, and comes pinch a moving interaction form. Ideal for startups to SaaS, Deoxa promises a sleek, modern web presence.

Masterly - Personal Portfolio HTML Template

masterly fixed tract templatemasterly fixed tract templatemasterly fixed tract template

Masterly is simply a Bootstrap 5 individual portfolio template, cleanable for creatives seeking to showcase their work. It offers acheronian mode, multi-color options, and a WhatsApp chat feature, ensuring a responsive and modern portfolio.

Nantria - Multipurpose Responsive HTML5 Template

Nantria fixed tract templateNantria fixed tract templateNantria fixed tract template

Nantria is simply a Bootstrap 4.5.0 template versatile capable for business, education, aliases individual branding. Responsive pinch SASS/SCSS files, it features Mailchimp integration, AJAX forms, and parallax backgrounds for a move personification experience.

Will You Create a Static Website?

Deciding to build a fixed website tin beryllium a strategical move. With nan advantages of speed, security, and simplicity connected your side, a fixed tract tin service arsenic a coagulated instauration for your online presence. Whether you’re a business looking to supply speedy information, aliases a imaginative showcasing your portfolio, nan fixed attack could beryllium your answer.

And don’t forget, Envato Elements offers tons of templates to get you started. So, will you pat into nan imaginable of fixed websites and carve retired your niche connected nan internet? The resources are astatine your fingertips, and nan prime is yours.

Source Tuts Plus
Tuts Plus