AWS Weekly Roundup — Amazon Q in AWS Glue, Amazon PartyRock Hackathon, CDK Migrate, and more — February 5, 2024

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With each nan generative AI announcements astatine AWS re:invent 2023, I’ve committed to dive heavy into this exertion and study arsenic overmuch arsenic I can. If you are too, I’m happy that among different resources available, nan AWS organization besides has a space that I tin entree for generative AI devices and guides.

Last week’s launches
Here are immoderate launches that sewage my attraction during nan erstwhile week.

Amazon Q information integration successful AWS Glue (Preview) – Now you tin usage earthy connection to inquire Amazon Q to writer jobs, troubleshoot issues, and reply questions astir AWS Glue and information integration. Amazon Q was launched successful preview astatine AWS re:invent 2023, and is simply a generative AI–powered adjunct to thief you lick problems, make content, and return action.

General readiness of CDK Migrate – CDK Migrate is simply a constituent of nan AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) that enables you to migrate AWS CloudFormation templates, antecedently deployed CloudFormation stacks, aliases resources created extracurricular of Infrastructure arsenic Code (IaC) into a CDK application. This characteristic was launched alongside nan CloudFormation IaC Generator to springiness you an end-to-end acquisition that enables you to create an IaC configuration based disconnected a resource, arsenic good arsenic its relationships. You tin expect nan IaC generator to person a immense effect for a common usage case we’ve seen.

For a afloat database of AWS announcements, beryllium judge to support an oculus connected nan What’s New astatine AWS page.

Other AWS news
Here are immoderate further projects, programs, and news items that you mightiness find interesting:

Join nan PartyRock Generative AI Hackathon by AWS. This is simply a situation for you to get hands-on building generative AI-powered apps. You’ll usage Amazon PartyRock, an Amazon Bedrock Playground, arsenic a accelerated and nosy measurement to study astir Prompt Engineering and Foundational Models (FMs) to build a functional app pinch generative AI.

AWS unfastened root news and updates – My colleague Ricardo writes this weekly unfastened root newsletter in which he highlights caller unfastened root projects, tools, and demos from nan AWS Community.

Upcoming AWS events
Whether you’re successful nan Americas, Asia Pacific & Japan, aliases EMEA region, there’s an upcoming AWS Innovate Online arena that fits your timezone. Innovate Online events are free, online, and designed to animate and amended you astir AWS.

AWS Summits are a bid of free online and in-person events that bring nan unreality computing organization together to connect, collaborate, and study astir AWS. These events are designed to amended you astir AWS products and services and thief you create nan skills needed to build, deploy, and run your infrastructure and applications. Find an AWS Summit adjacent you and registry aliases group a notification to cognize erstwhile registration opens for a Summit that interests you.

AWS Community re:Invent re:Caps – Join a Community re:Cap event organized by volunteers from AWS User Groups and AWS Cloud Clubs astir nan world to study astir nan latest announcements from AWS re:Invent.

You tin browse each upcoming in-person and virtual events.

That’s each for this week. Check backmost adjacent Monday for different Weekly Roundup!

Update Feb. 5, 2024: An Amazon API Gateway metric was removed from this play roundup station soon aft publication, updated study coming soon!


This station is portion of our Weekly Roundup series. Check backmost each week for a speedy roundup of absorbing news and announcements from AWS!

Source AWS Blog
AWS Blog