AWS Weekly Roundup—Amazon Route53, Amazon EventBridge, Amazon SageMaker, and more – January 15, 2024

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We are successful January, nan commencement of a caller year, and I ideate galore of you person made a caller twelvemonth solution to study thing new. If you want to study thing caller and get a free Amazon Web Services (AWS) Learning Badge, cheque retired nan caller Events and Workflows Learning Path. This learning way will thatch you everything you request to cognize astir AWS Step Functions, Amazon EventBridge, event-driven architectures, and serverless, and erstwhile you decorativeness nan learning path, you tin return an assessment. If you walk nan assessment, you get an AWS Learning Badge, credited by Credly, that you tin stock successful your résumé and societal media profiles.

Events and workflows learning way badge

Last Week’s Launches
Here are immoderate launches that sewage my attraction during nan erstwhile week.

Amazon Route 53 – Now you tin alteration Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall to select DNS postulation based connected nan query type contained successful nan mobility conception of nan DNS query format. In addition, Route 53 now supports geoproximity routing arsenic an further routing argumentation for DNS records. Expand and trim nan geographic area from which postulation is routed to a assets by changing nan record’s bias value. This is really adjuvant for industries that request to present highly responsive integer experiences.

Amazon CloudWatch LogsCloudWatch Logs now support creating account-level subscription filters. This capacity allows you to guardant each nan logs groups from an relationship to different services for illustration Amazon OpenSearch Service aliases Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose.

Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) Amazon ECS now integrates pinch Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS), allowing you to proviso and connect EBS volumes to Amazon ECS tasks moving connected some AWS Fargate and Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (Amazon EC2). Read nan blog station Channy wrote wherever he shows this characteristic successful action.

Amazon EventBridgeEventBridge now supports AWS AppSync arsenic a target of EventBridge buses. This enables you to watercourse real-time updates from your backend applications to your front-end clients. For example, you tin get notifications successful your mobile exertion from an bid you did erstwhile nan bid position changes connected nan backend.

Amazon SageMakerSageMaker now supports M7i, C7i, and R7i instances for instrumentality learning (ML) inference. These instances are powered by civilization 4th procreation Intel Xeon scalable processors and present up to 15 percent amended value capacity than their erstwhile generations.

For a afloat database of AWS announcements, beryllium judge to support an oculus connected nan What’s New astatine AWS page.

Other AWS News
Some different updates and news that you whitethorn person missed:

If you are a serverless enthusiast, this week, nan AWS Compute Blog published nan Serverless ICYMI (in lawsuit you missed it) quarterly recap for nan past 4th of 2023. This station compiles nan announcements made during nan months of October, November, and December, pinch each nan applicable contented that was produced by AWS Developer Advocates during that time. In summation to that blog post, you tin study astir ServerlessVideo, a caller demo exertion that we launched astatine AWS re:Invent 2023.


This week location were besides a mates of really absorbing blog posts that explicate really to lick very communal challenges that customers face. The first 1 is nan blog station successful nan AWS Security Blog that explains how to customize entree tokens successful Amazon Cognito personification pools. And nan 2nd 1 is from nan AWS Database Blog, which explains how to efficaciously benignant information pinch Amazon DynamoDB.

The Official AWS Podcast – Listen each week for updates connected nan latest AWS news and heavy dives into breathtaking usage cases. There are besides charismatic AWS podcasts successful respective languages. Check retired nan ones in FrenchGermanItalian, and Spanish.

AWS unfastened root newsletter – This is a newsletter curated by my colleague Ricardo to bring you nan latest unfastened root projects, posts, events, and more.

For our customers successful Turkey, connected January 1, 2024, AWS Turkey Pazarlama Teknoloji ve Danışmanlık Hizmetleri Limited Şirketi (AWS Turkey) replaced AWS EMEA SARL (AWS Europe) arsenic the contracting party and work supplier to customers successful Türkiye. This enables AWS customers successful Türkiye to transact successful their section rate (Turkish Lira) and pinch a section bank. For much accusation connected AWS Turkey, sojourn the FAQ page.

Upcoming AWS Events
The opening of nan twelvemonth is nan play of AWS re:Invent recaps, which are happening each astir nan globe during nan adjacent 2 months. You tin cheque nan recaps page to find nan 1 closest to you.

You tin browse each upcoming AWS led in-person and virtual events, arsenic good as developer-focused events such arsenic AWS DevDay.

That’s each for this week. Check backmost adjacent Monday for different Week successful Review!

— Marcia

This station is portion of our Weekly Roundup series. Check backmost each week for a speedy roundup of absorbing news and announcements from AWS!

Source AWS Blog
AWS Blog