AWS Weekly Roundup — AWS Lambda, AWS Amplify, Amazon OpenSearch Service, Amazon Rekognition, and more — December 18, 2023

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My memories of Amazon Web Services (AWS) re:Invent 2023 are still caller moreover erstwhile I’m presently wrapping up my activities successful Jakarta aft participating successful AWS Community Day Indonesia. It was a awesome experience, from delivering chalk talks and having thoughtful discussions pinch AWS work teams, to gathering pinch AWS Heroes, AWS Community Builders, and AWS User Group leaders. AWS re:Invent brings nan world AWS organization together to learn, connect, and beryllium inspired by innovation. For me, that tone of relationship is what makes AWS re:Invent ever special.

Here’s a speedy look of my highlights astatine AWS re:Invent and AWS Community Day Indonesia:

If you missed AWS re:Invent, you tin watch nan keynotes and sessions on demand. Also, cheque retired nan AWS News Editorial Team’s Top announcements of AWS re:Invent 2023 for each nan awesome launches.

Recent AWS launches
Here are immoderate of nan launches that caught my attraction successful nan past 2 weeks:

Query MySQL and PostgreSQL pinch AWS Amplify – In this post, Channy wrote really you tin now link your MySQL and PostgreSQL databases to AWS Amplify pinch conscionable a fewer clicks. It generates a GraphQL API to query your database tables utilizing AWS CDK.

Migration Assistant for Amazon OpenSearch Service – With this self-service solution, you tin smoothly migrate from your self-managed clusters to Amazon OpenSearch Service managed clusters aliases serverless collections.

AWS Lambda simplifies connectivity to Amazon RDS and RDS Proxy – Now you tin link your AWS Lambda to Amazon RDS aliases RDS proxy utilizing nan AWS Lambda console. With a guided workflow, this betterment helps to minimize complexities and efforts to quickly motorboat a database lawsuit and correctly link a Lambda function.

New no-code dashboard exertion to visualize IoT data – With this announcement, you tin now visualize and interact pinch operational information from AWS IoT SiteWise utilizing a caller unfastened root Internet of Things (IoT) dashboard.

Amazon Rekognition improves Face Liveness accuracy and personification experience – This motorboat provides higher accuracy successful detecting spoofed faces for your face-based authentication applications.

AWS Lambda supports further concurrency metrics for improved quota monitoring – Add CloudWatch metrics for your Lambda quotas, to amended visibility into concurrency limits.

AWS Malaysia now supports 3D-Secure authentication – This motorboat enables 3DS2 transaction authentication required by banks and costs networks, facilitating your unafraid online payments.

Announcing AWS CloudFormation template procreation for Amazon EventBridge Pipes – With this announcement, you tin now streamline nan deployment of your EventBridge resources pinch CloudFormation templates, accelerating event-driven architecture (EDA) development.

Enhanced information protection for CloudWatch Logs – With nan enhanced information protection, CloudWatch Logs helps place and redact delicate information successful your logs, preventing accidental vulnerability of individual data.

Send SMS via Amazon SNS successful Asia Pacific – With this announcement, now you tin usage SMS messaging crossed Asia Pacific from nan Jakarta Region.

Lambda adds support for Python 3.12 – This motorboat brings nan latest Python type to your Lambda functions.

CloudWatch Synthetics upgrades Node.js runtime – Now you tin usage Node.js 16.1 runtimes for your canary functions.

Manage EBS Volumes for your EC2 fleets – This motorboat simplifies attaching and managing EBS volumes crossed your EC2 fleets.

See you adjacent year!
This is nan past AWS Weekly Roundup for this year, and we’d for illustration to convey you for being our awesome readers. We’ll beryllium backmost to stock much launches for you connected January 8, 2024.

Happy holidays!


Source AWS Blog
AWS Blog