AWS Weekly Roundup — AWS Step Functions, Amazon ECS, Amazon EKS, Amazon LightSail, Amazon VPC, and more — January 29, 2024

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Web Development - This past week our work teams proceed to innovate connected your behalf, and a batch has happened successful nan Amazon Web Services (AWS) universe. I’ll besides stock astir each nan AWS Community events and initiatives that are happening astir nan world.

Let’s dive in!

Last week’s launches
Here are immoderate launches that sewage my attention:

AWS Step Functions adds integration for 33 services including Amazon Q – AWS Step Functions is simply a ocular workflow work tin of orchestrating complete 11,000+ API actions from complete 220 AWS services to thief customers build distributed applications astatine scale. This week, AWS Step Functions expands its AWS SDK integrations pinch support for 33 further AWS services, including Amazon Q, AWS B2B Data Interchange, and Amazon CloudFront KeyValueStore.

Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) Service Connect introduces support for automatic postulation encryption pinch TLS Certificates – Amazon ECS launches support for automatic postulation encryption pinch Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates for its networking capacity called ECS Service Connect. With this support, ECS Service Connect allows your applications to found a unafraid relationship by encrypting your web traffic.

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) and Amazon EKS Distro support Kubernetes type 1.29 – Kubernetes type 1.29 introduced respective caller features and bug fixes. You tin create caller EKS clusters utilizing v1.29 and upgrade your existing clusters to v1.29 utilizing nan Amazon EKS console, nan eksctl bid statement interface, aliases done an infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tool.

IPv6 lawsuit bundles connected Amazon Lightsail – With these caller lawsuit bundles, you tin get up and moving quickly connected IPv6-only without nan request for a nationalist IPv4 reside pinch nan easiness of usage and simplicity of Amazon Lightsail. If you person existing Lightsail instances pinch a nationalist IPv4 address, you tin migrate your instances to IPv6-only successful a fewer elemental steps.

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) supports idempotency for way array and web ACL creation – Idempotent creation of way tables and web ACLs is intended for customers that usage web orchestration systems aliases automation scripts that create way tables and web ACLs arsenic portion of a workflow. It allows you to safely retry creation without further broadside effects.

Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS) announces audio-only pricing for Low-Latency Streaming – Amazon IVS is simply a managed unrecorded streaming solution that is designed to make low-latency aliases real-time video disposable to viewers astir nan world. It now offers audio-only pricing for its Low-Latency Streaming capability astatine 1/10th of nan existing HD video rate.

Sellers tin resell third-party master services successful AWS Marketplace – AWS Marketplace sellers, including independent package vendors (ISVs), consulting partners, and transmission partners, can now resell third-party master services successful AWS Marketplace. Services tin see implementation, assessments, managed services, training, aliases premium support.

Introducing nan AWS Small and Medium Business (SMB) Competency – This is nan first go-to-market AWS Specialization designed for partners who present to mini and medium-sized customers. The SMB Competency provides enhanced benefits for AWS Partners to put and attraction connected SMB customer business, specified arsenic becoming nan go-to modular for information successful caller pilots and income initiatives and receiving unsocial entree to standard request procreation engines.

For a afloat database of AWS announcements, beryllium judge to support an oculus connected nan What's New astatine AWS page.

X successful Y – We launched existing services and lawsuit types successful further Regions:

  • Amazon Q successful QuickSight is now disposable successful Europe (Frankfurt). With Amazon Q successful QuickSight, business users tin make compelling information stories that supply narratives of data, create dashboard summaries to stock cardinal insights from information successful seconds, and confidently reply questions not answered by dashboards and reports.
  • Amazon Launch Wizard is now disposable successful Asia Pacific (Melbourne) and Europe (Spain, Zurich). AWS Launch Wizard provides a step-by-step guideline to thief size, configure, and deploy AWS resources for SAP HANA and SAP NetWeaver systems built connected SAP HANA and Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) utilizing exertion programming interfaces (APIs) aliases a console-based experience.
  • Amazon RDS Custom for Oracle is now disposable successful Europe (Paris). By utilizing Amazon RDS Custom for Oracle, you tin use from nan agility of a managed database service, pinch features specified arsenic automated backups and point-in-time recovery, and besides thief meet your database application’s customization requirements.
  • Amazon EC2 M7a, R7a instances now disposable successful Asia Pacific (Tokyo). M7a and R7a instances, powered by 4th Gen AMD EPYC processors (code-named Genoa) pinch a maximum wave of 3.7 GHz, present up to 50 percent higher capacity compared to M6a and R6a instances, respectively.
  • Amazon EC2 C7i instances are now disposable successful Europe (Frankfurt) and South America (São Paulo). C7i instances are powered by civilization 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors only disposable connected AWS. They connection up to 15 percent amended capacity complete comparable x86-based Intel processors utilized by different unreality providers.
  • Amazon EC2 High Memory instances now disposable successful Europe (Stockholm). Amazon EC2 High Memory instances are certified by SAP for moving Business Suite connected HANA, SAP S/4HANA, Data Mart Solutions connected HANA, Business Warehouse connected HANA, and SAP BW/4HANA successful accumulation environments.
  • Amazon Connect SMS is now disposable successful Asia Pacific (Seoul, Sydney). Amazon Connect SMS makes it easy for you to resoluteness customer issues via matter messaging.

Other AWS news
Here are immoderate further projects, programs, and news items that you mightiness find interesting:

Get The NewsExport a Software Bill of Materials utilizing Amazon Inspector – Generating an SBOM gives you captious information accusation that offers you visibility into specifics astir your package proviso chain, including nan packages you usage nan astir often and nan related vulnerabilities that mightiness impact your full company. My workfellow Varun Sharma successful South Africa shows really to export a consolidated SBOM for nan resources monitored by Amazon Inspector crossed your statement successful manufacture modular formats, including CycloneDx and SPDX. It besides shares insights and approaches for analyzing SBOM artifacts utilizing Amazon Athena.

AWS unfastened root news and updates – My workfellow Ricardo writes this weekly unfastened root newsletter successful which he highlights caller unfastened root projects, tools, and demos from nan AWS Community.

Upcoming AWS events
Check your calendars and motion up for these AWS events:

AWS InnovateAWS Innovate: AI/ML and Data Edition – Register now for nan Asia Pacific & Japan AWS Innovate online conference connected February 22, 2024, to explore, discover, and study really to innovate pinch artificial intelligence (AI) and instrumentality learning (ML). Choose from complete 50 sessions successful 3 languages and get hands-on pinch method demos aimed astatine generative AI builders.

AWS Summit Paris 2024AWS Summit Paris  – The AWS Summit Paris is an yearly arena that is held successful Paris, France. It is simply a awesome opportunity for unreality computing professionals from each complete nan world to study astir nan latest AWS technologies, web pinch different professionals, and collaborate connected projects. The Summit is free to be and features keynote presentations, breakout sessions, and hands-on labs. Registrations are open!

CapsAWS Community re:Invent re:Caps – Join a Community re:Cap event organized by volunteers from AWS User Groups and AWS Cloud Clubs astir nan world to study astir nan latest announcements from AWS re:Invent.

You tin browse each upcoming in-person and virtual events.

That’s each for this week. Check backmost adjacent Monday for different Weekly Roundup!

More news :Amazon ECS, RDS for MySQL, EMR Studio, AWS Community, and more — January 22, 2024

Source AWS Blog
AWS Blog